I was first struck when I saw the link on Twitter by the name, recalling that these are the guys who import Ise Kadoya and Baird.These brewers don't figure in to the article, but it is absolutely worth a read.
The gist, perhaps:
Will is one—along with Dan and Joel—of the three brothers who comprise the Shelton Brothers beer importing company, based in Belchertown. Since the mid-'90s, the company has imported beers from across the globe to drinkers across the United States. In 2006, Will took a hiatus from the import business to begin brewing a beer he'd been dreaming of. Working in Paper City Brewing's facility in Holyoke, he's created a line of distinctive beers that manage to buck the national trend toward gimmickry and record-setting while remaining faithful to traditional brewing styles.
For the whole story, well-told by a reporter who got to sample a few along the way, click here.
we could do this...or perhaps a variation of this. maybe japan needs more american beers on its shelves. i know a guy who works in imports. he knows people who work in exports. traylor trading co., llc.